The Evolution of the Service Economy

GDP Pie Chart

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has become the nervous system for nearly every organization big and small.  Fundamentally ERP links functional business groups (Sales, Accounting, Marketing, HR, Production, etc.) through a centralized shared data model as a means of coordinating the Division of Labor first referenced in Adam Smith’s Pin Factory.   ERP’s origins come from concepts first […]

Unleashing Business Strategy with A Transformation Manifesto

S2E Strategy

By Richard Lynch and Jack Calhoun Our colleagues, Jim Champy and the late Mike Hammer provocatively used the term “manifesto” in their book, “Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution.” We believe an amendment is needed. We proposed the following tenets are needed to transform obsolete business models: For more information on Transformation, we welcome […]

Crack The Code: How to Improve B2G Communication

B to G Communication

Years ago when I was a Case Manager at the Tennessee Department of Human Services, I encountered a problem while determining a customer’s eligibility for benefits. The numbers were not adding up, and I couldn’t figure out why, so I approached my supervisor. I still remember how quickly she identified the problem, and how casually she […]

Moments of Truth on the Customer Journey in the Service World

Customer Journey in Service World

The last time you bought health insurance, financial services, a driver’s license, internet/mobile phone services, or for that matter any service, did you feel like your online customer journey was well designed and mapped out? Or did you feel like a customer experience (Cx) pioneer “boldly going where no customer had gone before”? What are […]

Build a Better Business: Balance Employee Needs and Business Needs

Employee and Business Needs

Throughout our SAFE Return to Work series, we’ve discussed the many business challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the most top of mind issues is whether remote work is working. We think it is. We also think there’s still a lot of room for improvement, but take this one step further and ask a […]

2 Aspects of a Successful Strategy Execution Framework

Man Deciding what path to take

Successfully leading an organization today requires an effective strategy execution framework. Like a tomato plant needs a frame to grow and bear fruit, your organization requires a structure or framework to support your strategy execution. This article will discuss the two aspects of a successful strategy execution framework: clear articulation and operational alignment.  What is a […]

What is the Impact of Strategic Learning and Development?

Hands Holding Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces

One of the critical factors in your business transformation success is whether your people can unlock the potential allowed by your business processes and your technology. Regardless of industry, even the most advanced technologies and efficient processes fail to deliver value if they rely on employees that don’t know how to leverage them appropriately. The solution to […]

The Strategy Clarification Process, Part 2

Strategy and Execution

A few months ago I completed a round of in-depth research on the current state of business architecture practices. One of the areas I looked into was the business architect’s role in strategy execution. I found that most established and successful business architecture practices are deeply engaged in developing their organization’s strategy execution process. This […]

Modal Windows: Which Code Will You Implement Today?

Modal Windows Code

Looking for a way to streamline tasks that engage your end user? Modals are the answer. If implemented correctly, they are a seamless way to create an effective interface element of brilliant platform design that ultimately helps the user complete items quickly and easily.  However, if poorly executed, you face the risk of frustrating the user and damaging the customer experience. Let’s draw a clear line in the […]

Are Business Architects Capabilities Nouns or Verb-Nouns?

Office Discussion Meeting

Should capabilities be best represented as nouns or verb-nouns? The Business Architecture Guild argues that business capabilities are best represented as nouns.  I disagree. Capabilities are best represented as verb-nouns. Why is that important to you as a business architect? If a capability is what an organization needs to do to execute business strategy, then semantics matter. The […]

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